Anna is your registered, qualified and experienced practitioner. Her practice has taken her to Nepal (read more), the NT (Darwin, Katherine & Groote Eylandt), Hobart CBD, and now settling into beautiful Kingston Tasmania where she calls home. She is a mama to a busy thriving toddler, and passionate about supporting other mums, and mums to be, through this incredible life phase.
Other areas of interest are all women’s health, digestion, energy, and sleep, along with any health goals you have.
She enjoys holding space for people, regardless of exactly what they are seeking assistance with, and is very respectful, confidential, and non-judgemental. She is also passionate about all things Chinese Medicine and health and loves looking at the broader picture of health encompassing diet, lifestyle, and other influences such as the role of emotions and the environment on health.
Note: Anna is pronounced Ahh~na
(German mother!)

BHSc Acupuncture/MASc Chinese Herbal Medicine
AHPRA & ANTA registered
(And a very good listener)
Anna has worked with renowned acupuncturists, completed a third-world immersion program with Acupuncture Relief Project, and been mentored by Liz Elphick in Darwin who has 30-plus years of experience as a physiotherapist and acupuncture practitioner.
While completing her Master’s degree at RMIT she spent 3 weeks in Nanjing, China, doing an internship at the Provincial hospital working with Chinese doctors/Herbalists on various wards including dermatology, gynecology, gastroenterology, and oncology.
She’s also gained a lot of first-hand experience, knowledge, and wisdom through her own journey through pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and motherhood.
Anna has been awarded a Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture) and a Master of Applied Science (Chinese Herbal Medicine) and continues to grow and expand her Chinese herbal medicine studies & knowledge in classical herbal medicine.
- Five element Acupuncture, Five elements, five emotions with Gye Bennnetts
- Auriculotherapy Ear Acupuncture with Jim Chalmers
- Channel Palpation/diagnosis with Jason Robertson & Yefim Gamgoneishvili
- Zen Thai Shiatsu training with Gwyn Williams
- Japanese Acupuncture for mastering psycho-emotional problems with Paul Movsessian
- Mastering BBT charting to enhance fertility with Michelle Buchanan
- Optimizing Fertility with Randine Lewis
- Pregnancy support, labor preparation, and postnatal care with Sarah Budd
- Fertility and IVF support with Peter Kington
- Female Hormonal disorders, Metagenics seminar
- Rocktape and kinesiology power taping
- IPMT Medical conference training week (Anthroposophic Medicine)
- Si Yuan Dr. Tan Balance method Core Foundations with Delphine & Paul
- Plus many more professional seminars and courses
- Current Apply First Aid through FIRSTAIDPRO
- Current working with children and vulnerable peoples card TAS

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